For a practical and enjoyable experience on:
Target audience: Students at the University “Politehnica” of Bucharest and from other IT colleges.
Workshop Period: Second semester.
Workshop Duration: 4 hours / week (Saturday, 9:00 – 13:00).
Location: 3DUPB – Gameloft Learning Center (EG 204).
Application Period: March 17th- April 4th(deadline: April 4th, 5 PM).
Candidates selection:
On April 5th the candidates will be required to pass a theoretical and practical C++ test with a duration of 2 hours. (Location: EG 204 – 9:00 AM).
The test results will be announced by April 10th, and the best 11 candidates will be selected.
The chosen candidates will be asked to confirm their participation by April 11th.
Candidates who do not confirm their participation will lose the opportunity to join the workshop, and the next best candidates will be contacted.
Evaluation after Workshops:
Participants will be required to present their practical application and pass a theoretical test after this module.
You should have at least intermediate knowledge of C++ (mostly C++98, with some questions from C++11). There will also be some questions from the STL (Standard Template Library). You are allowed to bring books or use the internet during the test (but without accessing email, messenger, Facebook, or any other communication platform; also no online compilers).
The test will have two parts:
I recommend you apply even if you are a beginner in C++. I will send each applicant an email containing a set of useful links to online books, references, and tutorials to help prepare for the test. The email will also contain sample test questions and additional information about the test.
You do not need a specific grade to pass; your grade must simply be among the top 11 (or more if some students agree to bring a laptop — we only have 11 computers in the laboratory). However, if your grade is low, it may indicate that you do not know C++ well enough, and it will be difficult, if not impossible, to complete the project unless you begin learning C++ in the first 2-3 weeks of the semester.
After the test, I will provide each of you with study materials covering the exercises that you could not solve or did not answer correctly.
C++ and GLSL (shading language).
OpenGL ES 2.0.
We will have workshops every Saturday (lasting 4-5 hours). The schedule (subject to minor changes, depending on the number of questions or the lesson):
The workshop will last until the end of the semester. If the project is not finished by then, we can schedule a few more meetings after the semester ends (during the examination period, if you have some free time, or at the beginning of the college break) — but let’s hope that this will not be necessary. This is why you should complete the assigned homework every week so we can follow the workshop plan and avoid delays at the end of the semester.